Monday, January 27, 2025
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A few words about

For the past few years, the e-learning industry has been growing and evolving at a rapid pace. We have seen how important it is for any organization or education to implement a mobile, easily accessible system for sharing knowledge in an interactive way. The technology to achieve this is called e-learning. is a project of SMARTSPOKES AG ( headquartered in Böblingen, Germany. At SMARTSPOKES, we believe that e-learning is a key technology for the knowledge society of the 21st century. Our mission is to allow people all over the world to learn in their own language. With our international network of translation partners, we translate e-learning courses into more than 40 languages. activities are aimed to spread awareness about the e-learning industry. We want to increase the knowledge of our readers and all those interested in online courses and the technology behind it. We are convinced that you, dear Readers and Users of this site, can find a lot of valuable information here, which will allow you not only to deepen your knowledge but also to obtain a lot of valuable free materials to use in your own e-learning courses.

Our special thanks go to our valued colleague Christoph, who came up with the idea for this website and who, as editor-in-chief, is responsible for the editorial content.